Ruhrtriennale Festival against Human Rights Defenders
16. Juni 2018 – In einem offenen Brief wendet sich die Jüdische Stimme für gerechten Frieden in Nahost an die Teilnehmer*innen der Ruhrtriennale:
Dear participants of the Ruhrtriennale festival,
As members of the organization ‚Jewish Voice for Just Peace in the Middle-East‘, which is active in Germany for the rights of Palestinians and Israelis to live in peace, justice and equality, we are writing to you concerning your participation in the festival Ruhrtriennale, set to take place in the Ruhr metropolitan region from August 9th to September 23th of this year.
Following a defaming report in a small anti-Palestinian website, the Ruhrtriennale festival openly pressured members of the band Young Fathers to repudiate their support for the BDS campaign, the international, non-violent campaign calling for the boycott of Israel until it ends its occupation and respects Palestinian human rights under international law. Young Fathers openly supported BDS in the past. Since the band refused to rescind their own principles, the festival canceled their performance, as stated in a press release by the Artistic Director, Stefanie Carp…