Allianz SE Versicherungsunternehmen
Invite friends to like or follow the „No Allianz with Israeli Apartheid“ on Facebook“ or Twitter (@NoAllianz)
Do an Allianz related Tweet: 
– „@Allianz is complicit in #IsraeliApartheid –end Investment in #G4S #Elbit. @NoAllianz FB “”
– „@Allianz fund #IsraeliApartheid with investments in #G4S #Elbit – @NoAllianz FB “”
– „@NoAllianz is a campaign to pressure @Allianz into divesting from #G4S #Elbit – #IsraeliApartheid profiteers “”
Do an Allianz related Facebook status:
– „The German Financial services company Allianz profits from Israeli Apartheid through its investment G4S which provides Israel with security service used to illegally detain Palestinian Political Prisoners. Find out what you can do to help the campaign here: “”
– “Insurance company Allianz funds technology used on Israel’s Apartheid Wall through investing in Elbit, who’s “Torch†system ensures Palestinians can’t access their stolen land. Like and join the campaign!”
– “Cancelling your insurance policy with Allianz and telling them why will pressure them to stop their investments in companies complicit in Israeli violations of International Law. Visit to find out what else you can do.”
– Think of a campaign slogan